Tuesday, February 25th
Wednesday, February 26th
Online via Zoom
Nonprofit Rate:
Early Bird (By Feb 17th) $300
After Feb 14th: $400
Corporate Rate:
Early Bird (By Feb 17th) $500
After Feb 14th: $600
Who Is this For?
Professionals seeking a high-impact leadership training that will provide in-depth knowlege and practical skills
Appropriate for mid-career and senior-level executives
Relevant to nonprofit professionals, entrepreneurs, and corporate staff
Philanthropists interested in the work of large-scale leadership development
Curious and courageous seekers of professional growth who feel the pain of current standard practices and are seeking new ways of understanding leadership and change
"Max helped me understand organizations as dynamic organisms, and leadership as a living art and adaptive practice. Through his training, I learned tangible and useful processes that I can use to shift the way I work with my employees and other groups. He isn't just training people to be better leaders; he's giving people a road map to more fully claim their agency and wholeness, with an aim toward building a more compassionate, connected world. Now, more than ever, this training is an important step toward a change for good."
Kendra Hodgson
Managing Director,
Women Make Movies
The Problem
In this moment of constant change and complexity, it’s increasingly clear that old ways of understanding and practicing leadership are no longer sufficient:
Hierarchical structures generate pushback
Senior leaders struggle to manage staff effectively in the face of ongoing change
Early-career workers expect greater degrees of freedom, deeper alignment with purpose, and different types of support
Everyone is challenged to stay grounded and resilient in the face of multiple overlapping issues unfolding simultaneously
The old ways are no longer effective, but the new ways have not yet come fully into view…until now.
The Virtual Mindset Shift Intensive is a leadership workshop that will guide you through four key shifts that will change the way you understand yourself and the way you think about leadership in foundational, paradigm-shifting ways. The experience weaves together the four most powerful and impactful leadership development trainings that I’ve refined over the course of 25 years of work in the field of leadership development. I’ve shared these mindset shifts with nonprofit professionals, entrepreneurs, elected officials and senior business executives; all of these audiences emerged with insights that were instantly applicable to the ways that they practice leadership every day.
As the world around us changes, we discover that tools, responses and beliefs that once served us well are no longer effective. We must experiment our way towards innovative approaches that meaningfully respond to the new realities that we face. The shift from technical to adaptive leadership provides a framework to lead powerfully in the context of change.
Here’s what you’ll take from this session:
An understanding of the difference between authority and leadership
An ability to discern the differences between technical and adaptive challenges
A framework and tools for effectively exercising adaptive leadership
A memorable and engaging opportunity to experience adaptive leadership
The work of clarifying purpose is an essential task for anyone seeking to confront complexity. It is essential…but it is not sufficient. The truth is that light and shadow always co-exist, and we do not fully understand ourselves if we focus only on our light while ignoring our shadow. Until we confront our own wholeness—the fact that we each possess both light and dark within—our shadow will influence our actions from beyond our conscious awareness.
Here’s what you’ll take from this session:
Greater clarity of personal purpose
Insight into your own personal shadow
Enhanced ability to lead with light—not shadow— in the future
Greater wisdom regarding how to be with our wholeness as human beings
Many of the basic beliefs and assumptions informing our understanding of leadership today are increasingly problematic. We will uncover these assumptions and illuminate an entirely different paradigm for understanding leadership and change. With these insights, we will access and unleash a whole new array of possibilities that allow us to respond powerfully and effectively to the world around us.
Here’s what you’ll take from this session:
A new awareness of the assumptions—and limitations— of the mechanical universe model
An introduction to the living systems paradigm
Learn how to lead and drive change within living systems
Gain an expanded worldview that integrates all three previous shifts in powerful and practical ways
Problem solving is an essential skill; it allows us to move forward powerfully and also becomes a source of trust and authority when we demonstrate an ability to solve problems consistently. It’s important to recognize, however, that this source of strength can quickly become a blindspot. In a rapidly changing world, we may jump too quickly to problem solving mode without taking the time to discern whether we fully understand the problem, or whether we’ve chosen the most strategic problem to address. To respond to complexity and uncertainty, we must develop the skill of question finding.
Here’s what you’ll take from this session:
Learn and practice the Question Finding Process
Gain a deeper awareness of how a sole focus on problem solving limits our ability to confront complexity and uncertainty
If you are seeking professional development that will shift your thinking and practice in foundational ways, this one-day immersive program is for you.
Tuesday, February 25th
Wednesday, February 26th
Online via Zoom
Nonprofit Rate:
Early Bird (By Feb 17th) $300
After Feb 14th: $400
Corporate Rate:
Early Bird (By Feb 17th) $500
After Feb 14th: $600
About Dr. Max Klau
Dr. Max Klau is a leadership educator, consultant, author, speaker and Integral Master Coach based in Boston. He received his Doctorate of Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2005, with a focus on leadership development. Over the years, Max has designed leadership development experiences and led trainings for tens of thousands of individuals, ranging from idealistic young adults to senior business leaders to non-profit executives to sitting members of Congress. He has led trainings in Israel, Bangladesh, India, and Europe.
The four trainings included in this program are the sessions that have proven to be the most powerful, impactful, and transformational sessions in Max’s toolkit.
This is a collection of a master leadership educator’s greatest hits.