Servant Leadership Development
I spent ten years at City Year desiging leadership development experiences for thousands of young people engaged in a demanding year of service
At the New Politics Leadership Academy, I served for seven years as the Chief Program Officer, designing experiences that invited thousands of military vets, alumni of AmeriCorps and PeaceCorps, educators and health care workers to serve again through politics
Do you want to develop individuals who serve a cause larger than self with courage, integrity, empathy, and excellence?
I can show you how it is done
I provide big ideas and proven, practical tools
As a scholar/ practitioner, I’ve got a deep expertise in the theory and practice of leadership development, and I’ve spent more than two decades creating practical, proven approaches to applying those principles in high-performing organizations. Here’s an overview of all the ways that I support organizations that seek to develop servant leaders.
The first key to powerful, transformational leadership development is providing a clear framework that integrates multiple dimension of development and illuminates the relationship between inner-world growth and outer-world impact.
Organizations that seek to develop servant leaders must build a capacity to create and hold spaces for reflection and dialogue. I am an expert at inviting participation and generating learning in those spaces. I can create these experiences, and can also help you train facilitators who can hold space for others as well.
Organizations that are committed to this work need a suite of tools and resources that align with and support this approach to leadership development. This includes curricula and activities for staff, guides for facilitators, train-the-trainer resources for staff overseeing this work, and performance management tools and processes that integrate this model into the daily life of the organization. I can provide customized versions of all of these tools and resources.
I have learned that the work of developing servant leaders builds on some existing organizational practices, challenges others, and also requires building some new skills and capacities. I provide expert consulting and guidance to support organizations through the changes required to implement this approach powerfully and at scale.